February 13, 2003

Wow... Katsucon is tomorrow...

I'm not completely better, but I'm well enough to leave the house, at least. I actually collapsed in the shower this morning, so I ended up skipping my classes and sleeping more. Felt better after that. (By collapsed, I mean that I didn't have enough energy left to stand and just lied down on the floor of the shower for a good 10-15 minutes. I didn't fall down or anything.)

I also went to meet with an attorney for the trial coming up next month. Paid him $400 of my mom's money to have him represent me since I couldn't defend my way out of a trash can. ^^; He says that he can probably get all three tickets thrown off if we plead not guilty, since there are no witnesses, and the state trooper that wrote them didn't even see the accident. I'm probably still going to lose my auto insurance, though. Geico == teh suck.

Anyways, tomorrow, Katsucon is coming~ Going to get picked up by carpy at around noon and be taken directly to the con, so that gives me time to do some errands beforehand ^^ Patty won't arrive until probably 5-6pm, though I need to meet her when she arrives since I need to pay my part of the hotel costs. Wee~

Dunno if I'll enter the DDR tourney or not... if I'm still sick, I probably won't... not that my pathetic PA skills will get me anywhere in the first place... =P Or maybe I'll just invade Ken's hotel room to play IIDX =P

Posted at 11:59 PM
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