June 12, 2003
Another site feature... kinda...

I've actually gotten around to making an "About Me" page. The link above will actually lead there now, rather than just looping you back to the front page.

And yeah, I know that there's only navigation from the front, and subpages only have nagivation back to the main page. This entire site is a very simple hack of Movable Type's default templates, so bear with me ^^;

I really should just bring someone in to stylize this page a lot better... my ability to design a webpage is truly lackluster. I'm very impressed with the work going into the Hikari no Kiseki website redesign, though... too bad you guys can't see that just yet ^^;

I'm probably removing those forums soon. I'm already using up half my hdd space allotment, and those forums are the largest space eaters I'm storing...

Posted at 03:43 AM
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